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Saturday, March 1, 2008

My first offical article...Censorship in History

Censorship covers all forms of life including speech, writing, and art. However what happens when censorship hits history and the memory of events? If a country forgets what happened in its history, are the doomed to repeat it? Its been 44 years since John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Time passes and society changes yet people still question if Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone (or at all.) No matter what the true answer is, everyone has a funny feeling that the story the government has fed us is false.

Over two-thirds of Americans do not believe what the government has told us about the assassination. However the time is coming when the people that were alive during the Kennedy years will pass on and the youth of America will be forced to continue the investigation of that moment in time. However most children do not learn of this event until they study it on their own.

The slaying of our president has been censored from educational history. American Wars, Civil Rights, Watergate, all of these things are studied in high school and college history classes, and all of them deserved to be studied. However the JFK assassination is not. Yes, most students know that Kennedy was shot by Oswald and then subsequently Oswald was shot by Ruby, the history books cover this point. And yes, most people have heard of some sort of conspiracy the government might be apart of. However most students are shocked to hear how deep that Conspiracy may be. The former Vice President Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia and the Military Industrial Complex may all be involved.

This moment in history deserves to be studied! Though the JFK conspiracy theories will never be recognized as fact, many people feel that the story the government claims as truth is far from it. Is the government trying to push this conspiracy out of the minds of our youth? Do they assume if we do not know about it, we will stop looking for the truth? In my lifetime I would like to see one of two things, either the government releases the truth about the JFK assassination (which will never happen) or educational institutions recognize not only the event but the conspiracy deserves to be studied. STOP THE CENCORSHIP AND LET HISTORY BE TOLD!

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